Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, The Stork, Jesus, What Next?

Growing up I am sure i enjoyed Santa Claus and all the other fictional characters that we all participate in. You know Christmas Eve night my brothers and I would all crawl into one bed and wait for "Santa Claus" to deliver what ever it was he was going to do. I also loved the Sunday afternoon Easter egg hunt and the occasional tooth under my pillow for my dads last dollar. But I am at the place as a parent where I need to know what to tell my boys. I love the idea of Santa Claus and the fun he brings to the Christmas season. Who doesn't like a fat guy who eats your cookies and brings you toys? My dilemma is how do I tell Isaac and Eli about all of these characters and Jesus at the same time, and then all of the sudden when he is old enough to know it is his mom and dad putting the presents out and the money under the pillow and the stork never has held a baby in its whole life. Yet Jesus is the only one who is real and worth knowing. As a dad i feel it is my responsibility to teach my sons about Jesus and the gift he is to us everyday, the salvation he brings to all. I also want my sons to be able and enjoy a good story and make believe session here and there, but this Christmas I am going to say Santa is apart of the decorations of Christmas and Jesus is the reason for the season.


  1. Well done indeed I have my own blog as well now www.cameronar.blogspot.com you rock bro


  2. Every one, Barry is an awesome dad!!
